Grape Vest-free knitting pattern

Grape Vest-free knitting pattern

Grape Vest-free knitting pattern


Designed with relaxed spring days in mind  this short-sleeved cardigan features  an interesting lace pattern and and a flattering collar. It has been created without buttons, to slip on over a top or dress. The back and fronts are worked in one piece, starting at the lower edge of the back. It’s knitted in an aran-weight cotton yarn from Schachenmayr SMC, called Catania Grande, which comesina wide range of bright colours.


Schachenmayr SMC Catania Grande (Aran weight; 100% cotton; 63m/68yds per 50g)
ORCHID 50 (3282) 12 16 18 Bale

1 pair 5mm (UK 6/US 8) knitting needles
1 set 5mm (UK 6/US 8) circular needles
80cm/32” long
171/2 sts and 17 rows to 10cm over Lace pattern on 5mm needles

Rib patt: (2, P2), rep to end. Rep this row.
Reverse st st: Purl RS rows, knit WS rows.
Lace pattern: Work foll Chart. Only RS rows are given. In WS rows work sts as they appear, and purl yarn overs.
Work rows 1-2 once, then rep rows 3-10 throughout for patt.


Cast 0n 107 (128:149) sts.
Work 3 rows inreverse st st, beg witha purl row.
Row 4 (RS): K1, work row 1 of chart, K1.
Last row sets patt.
Cont working in patt, purling the first and last sts on the WS until you have worked 8 (9:10) reps of rows 3-10 of chart. Work rows 1 to 8 of Lace Patt once more.
Next row (RS): Work 44 (55:65) sts in patt and leave on a holder.
Cast off rem 19 (18:19) sts for neck and work rem 44 (55:65) sts in patt.

Work1 WS row.
In Lace Patt, cont across the last sts for Left
Frontas foll:
Size XS-S (RS): K1, work 2 reps of chart, K1.
Size M-L (RS): K1, SSK, work sts 12-21 from chart, work 2 reps of chart, K1.
Size XL-XXL (RS): K1, work 3 reps of chart, K1.
Last row sets patt.

Cont working in patt, purling the first and last sts on the WS until you have worked 8 (9:10) reps of rows 3-10 of chart.
Work rows 1 to 8 of chart once more.
Work 2 rows of reverse st st.
Cast off kwise.


Work across the sts on holder, beg with a WS row.
Cont across these sts for Right Frontas folls: Size XS-S (RS): K1, work 2 reps of chart, K1.
Size M-L (RS): K1, work 2 reps of chart, work sts 1-10 of chart, K2tog, K1.
Size XL (RS): K1, work 3 reps of chart, K1.
Last row sets patt.
Cont working in patt, purling the first and last sts on the WS until you have worked 8 (9:10) reps of rows 3-10 of chart.
Work rows 1 to 8 of chart once more.
Work 2 rows of reverse st st.
Cast off kwise.

Block piece to measurements, cover with a damp cloth and allow to dry.
Pick up 80 (96:112) sts along 39 (47:55) cm of Left side edge for armhole band, using the cast-off neck sts as a centre point.
Next row (RS): K3, (P2, K2) rep to last st, K1.
Next row: P3, (K2, P2) rep to last st, P1.


Cont in rib, you will be working short-row shaping as folls, working the yo across the right needle after every turn: Short row 1 (RS): Work 60 (76:92) sts, turn (leave rem 20 sts unworked),yo.

Short row 2: Work 40 (56:72) sts, turn (leave rem 20 sts unworked), yo.
Work 4sts more at the end of the foll 9 short rows, working the yo tog with the foll st in patt:
Short row 3: Work 44 (60:76) sts, turn, yo.
Short Row 4: Work 48 (64:80) sts, turn, yo.
Short Row 5: Work 52 (68:84) sts, turn, yo.
Short Row 6: 56 (72:88) sts, turn, yo.
Short Row 7: 60 (76:92) sts, turn, yo.
Short Row 8: 64 (80:96) sts, turn, yo.
Short Row 9: 68 (84:100) sts, turn, yo.
Short Row 10: 72 (88:104) sts, turn, yo.
Cont to end of row.
Work1 WS rowacross all 80 (96:112) sts.
Cast offin rib patt.
Rep for Right side edge.
Close side and armhole band seams.

Using circular needle pick up and knit 108 (117:124) sts across Right Front edge, 19 (18:19) sts across neck edge and 109 (117:125) sts across Left Front edge. 236 (252:268) sts.
Row 1 (WS): P3, (K2, P2) rep to last st, P1.
Row 2: K3, (P2, K2) rep to last st, K1.
Rep Rows 1-2 once more.
Row 4: Cont inrib across first 80 (84:92) sts and leave rem sts on holder.
Work 13 more rows in rib.
Rep for Left band.

Work 20 rows across first 76 (84:84) sts on holder in Rib Patt.
Cast offin rib.

Note: The number of stitches varies throughout the pattern. After 7th row  there are 2 sts less for each motif; after 9th row you have the original number of sts again. All figures in the method apply to a motif of 21 sts.