Charleston cushions-knitting pattern
These vibrant cushions and bolster use short-row shaping for a striking effect. OUR DELIGHTFUL cushionsand bolster, cleverly worked using short – row shaping, have been designed by Belinda Boadenand were inspiredby the gardens of Charleston House in Sussex, the home of the Bloomsbury Group of artists in the 1920s. The cotourways look w onderful on their own and also coordinate beautifully with each other, so you could try vour hand at one cushion for your sofa or the whole set.
Cushions: To fit 40cm square cushion pad
Bolster: To fit 17cm diameter, 45cm long pad
Lang Yams Jawoll Superwash (75% wool, 18% nylon, 7% acrylic; 210m/50g bails)
Buttons: 5 per cushion (approx 15mm); 9 per bolster (approx 7mm) with 2 optional end buttons (approx 25mm).
(We used Krackled Buttons for the cushions, vintage glass buttons and 2 large vintage Czech glass buttons for the bolster. All are available from Loop –
Tapestry needle, pins
36 stitches and 36 rows to 10cm over Fair Isle pattern using 3mm needles.
28 stitches and 39 rows to 10cm overstocking stitch striped pattern using 3mm needles.
wit Wrap and turn. On a knit row, bring yarn to front of work, slip the next stitch, take yam to back of work, slip the wrapped stitch back to the left hand needle. Turn work. If on a purl row, take yarn to back of work, slip the next
stitch, bring yarn to front of work, slip the wrapped stitch back to LH needl.Turn work.
Cast on 144 stitches using 3mm needles and yarn A. Working from Chart 1 for either cushion 1 or 2, w ork 12 rows,
repeating pattern as necessary across row.
Rowl: Work 72 sts in patt, wt.
Row 2 (and allW S rows): Work in pattern to end.
Row 3: Work 64 sts in patt, w t.
Row 5: Work 56 sts In patt, wt.
Row7; Work 48 sts in patt, wt.
Row 9: Work 40 sts in patt, w t.
Row II: Work 32 sts in patt, w t.
Row 13: Work 24 sts in patt, wt.
Rows 15 – 30 inclusive: As chart, working across all 144 stitches.
Break yarn at the end of the row, and slip stitches from left-hand needle to right-hand needle in order to start next
row as. a WS row.
Begin second Fair Isle section, working again from Chart 2, starting w ith row 1 as a WS row:
Row 1 (WS): Work 24 sts in patt, w t.
Row 2 (and all RS rows): Work in pattern to end.
Row 3: Work 32 sts in p att, wt.
Row 5: Work 40 sts, w t.
Row 7: Work 48 sts, w t.
Row 9: Work 56 sts, w t.
Row 11: Work 64 sts, wt.
Row 13: Work 72 sts, w t.
Rows 15 and 16: Knit all stitches in yarn A, working wraps w ith w rapped stitches on row 15.
Row 17 (WS): Work 72 sts (Chart 2), w t.
Row 18 (and all RS rows): Work in patt to end.
Row 19: Work 64 sts, w t.
Row 21: Work 56 sts, wt-
Row 23: Work 48 sts, w t.
Row 25: Work 40 sts, wt.
Row 27: Work 32 sts, wt.
Row 29: Work 24 sts, w t.
Row 30: Knit across all stitches in yarn A, working wraps w ith w rapped stitches. Additional row (WS): Purl all sts using yam A.
Rows 1-16 inclusive: Work from Chart 2, across all 144 stitches (row 1 will be RS).
Row 17 (RS): Work 72 sts (Chart 2), w t.
Row 18 (and allWS rows): Work in pattern
to end.
Row 19: Work 64 sts, wt.
Row 21: Work 5 6 sts, wt.
Row 23: Work 48 sts, w t,
Row 25: Work 40 sts, wt.
Row 27: Work 32 sts, w t.
Row 29: Work 24 sts, Wt.
Row 30: Knit 24 sts using yarn A,
Repeat from * once more, then w ork 12 rows in stocking stitch, across all sts, from Chart 3 for appropriate cushion. Cast off.
Cast on 111 stitches using 2.75mm needles and shade 83.0198 (green). Work 18 rows in garter st. Change to 3mm needles and continue in stocking st stripe pattern from Chart4, until piece meas 24cm. Cast off.
Cast on 111 stitches using 2,75mm needles and shade 83.0198 (green), work 10 rows garter stitch. Work buttonholes as foil:
Next row: K16, *S11 p-wise, yfwd and leave at the front, SI 1 p-w ise, pass 1st slipped stitch over 2nd, Slip-wise, pass 2nd slipped stitch over 3rd, Slip-wise, pass 3rd slipped stitch over 4th. Put 4th stitch on left needle, reversing It.
Reverse, tw ist or tu rn last stitch on RH needle. Pull yam tightly, lay over RH needle from front to back and pass the
turned stitch over it. Make 4 firm backward loops onto RH needle, K2tog, K14. Repeat from * across row , making
5 buttonholes.
Work more rows in ganerst. Change to 3mm needles and continue tn stocking st stripe pattern from Chart 4, until piece measures 24cm. Castoff.
Cast on 111 stitches using 2.75mm needles and shade 83.0184 (cerise pink) Work 18 rows garter st. Change to 3mm needles and continue in stocking >t stripe pattern from Chart 4, until piece meas 24cm Cast off.
Cast on U1 stitches using 2.75mm needles and shade83.0184 (cense pink) Work 10 rows garter si. Work buttonholes as given for Cushion l , followed by 7 more rows of garter st. Complete in stripe pattern from
Chart 4, until piece meas 24cm, Cast off.
Block pieces lightly, following instructions on ball band. Overlap buttonhole band over bu tton band, place the two back pieces onto the front, w rong sides together and pin in place. Mattress stitch backs to front. Sew buttons on to correspond w ith buttonholes and dam in all ends.
Knit one end in each of the cushion colounvavs Cast on 32stitches using 3mm needles and yarn A
‘Knit 2 rows (making 1 garter ridge), Now work pattern from Chart 2 for appropriate cushion, sha ping short -row l air 1 sle pattern as foil;
Row It Work 28 sts, wt.
Row 2 (and all WS rows to 14): Work in pattern to end,
Row 3: Work 24 sts, w t.
Row 5; Work 20 sts, wt.
Row7: Work 16 sts, w t,
Row 9: Work 12 sts, wt.
Row 11: Work 8 sts, w t.
Row 13: Work 4 sts, wt.
Rows 15 and 16: From chart, working all stitches, and w raps w ith w rapped stitches.
Row 17: Work 28 sts, w t.
Row 18 (and all WS rows); Work in pattern to end.
Rowl9: Work 24 sts, w t.
Row 21: Work 20 sts, wt.
Row 23: Work 16 sts, w t.
Row 25: Work 12 sts, w t.
Row 27: Work 8 sts, w t.
Row 29; Work 4 sts, w t.
Row 30: Work in pattern to end.
Pattern repeats from * w orking all stitches and w raps with wrapped stitches on first knit row. Repeat these 32 rows 6 times more so th at piece forms a circle. Cast off.
Cast on 127 stitches using 2.75mm needles and shade 83.0094 (ecru) yam . Work 18 rows garter st.
Change to 3mm needles and continue in stocking st stripe pattern from Chart 5. Repeat the stripes until piece meas 53cm, Change to shade 83.0094 (ecru) yarn and 2,75mm needles and work 10 rows garter st
Work buttonhole row as foil;
Next row: Kl 0, * SI 1 p – wise, yfw d and leave at the front, Si 1 p-w ise, pass 1st slipped stitch over 2nd, SI 1 p-wlse, pass 2nd slipped stitch over 3rd, put 3rd stitch on left hand needle, reversing it.
Reverse, tw ist or tu rn last stitch on RH needie. Pull yarn tightly, lay over RH needle from front to back and pass the
turned stitch over it. Make 3 firm backward loops onto RH needle, K2tog, K9. Repeat from * across row, making 9 buttonholes.
Work 8 more rows in garter st, ending with WS facing. Cast off.
Block pieces lightly, according to instructions on ball band. Thread a double thickness of yarn along the inside edge of the end pieces and draw up tightly to close. Stitch th e cast-on and cast- off edges together to close the circle.
Overlap thebuttonhole band end of the main piece over the button band and pin in place. Pin each end piece in place at the ends of the main piece and m attress stitch into place. Sew buttons onto button band to correspond to buttonholes and large buttons onto centre of end pieces. Darn in all ends.
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